What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn't happen much, though.

J.D. Salinger

What drives my writing is not just a quest for answers, but a journey of shared exploration. My hope is that through my books, we not only seek knowledge together but also build a connection that inspires us to question, learn, and grow. In every word, I strive to kindle a spark that lights the path to a more thoughtful, informed, and compassionate world.

Waleed Mahmud

About My Books

My literary works are a reflection of my deep-seated passion for exploring the fundamental questions that shape our lives and societies. As a polymath, my books dive into the nuances of human behavior, moral and political underpinnings of governance, and contemporary challenges, offering my readers a comprehensive and thought-provoking journey.

My previous works include: "Probing Freewill: A Story of Autonomy and Inevitability," which examines the dynamics of freewill and determinism; "Power & Ethics: A Brief History of Western Moral and Political Philosophy," which traces the evolution of moral and political thought in Western philosophy; and "Decrypting Globalization: Understanding the Economic, Cultural, and Political Afflictions of Nationalism, Migration, and the Environmental Crisis," critically examines the multifaceted impacts of globalization.

Currently, I am working on an expansive discourse on moral and political philosophy, which aims to address crucial topics such as Educational Paradigms, Ethics and Morality, Equity and Justice, Freedom, and Society, and crafting a philosophical approach for engaging with the modern world.


My journey as a writer and philosopher has been profoundly shaped by a diverse array of inspirations drawn from various fields and thinkers. These influences drive me to explore the deeper questions of human existence, ethics, and societal structures.

Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, and John Stuart Mill have been instrumental in shaping my views on ethics, morality, and political philosophy. heir timeless debates on virtue, duty, and utility continue to inspire my exploration of these themes in modern contexts.

My passion for integrating knowledge across disciplines is fueled by thinkers like Carl Sagan and Richard Feynman, whose ability to communicate scientific ideas with clarity and wonder motivates me to bridge the gap between the sciences and humanities in my own work, aspiring to create a "Cosmos" of sorts.

My personal experiences, the existential questions, and the ethical dilemmas I have faced drive my passion to explore and address the broader issues affecting humanity. This introspection furthers my commitment to lifelong learning and universal education.

Finally, the beauty and complexity of the natural world inspire me to think deeply about our place in the universe and our responsibilities towards it. The interconnectedness of life and the environment informs my work on sustainability and environmental ethics.

These inspirations collectively guide my writing and research, helping me to craft narratives that are not only intellectually rigorous but also deeply human.

Through my work, I strive to honor these influences by contributing to the ongoing dialogue on how we can create a more informed, ethical, and just society. I want my readers to join me as we continue to draw from these wellsprings of inspiration together and explore the profound questions that shape our world.

My Aspirations

I am currently immersed in several exciting projects that explore the profound questions of our time. My overall work can be summarized as an expansive discourse on moral and political philosophy, where I engage the relationship between education, ethics, justice, freedom, and societal structures.

This work aims to address contemporary issues through a philosophical lens, offering insights and practical solutions for creating a more informed and equitable society. Key sections of this discourse include Educational Paradigms, Ethics and Morality, Equity and Justice, Freedom and Society, and their philosophical engagement with the modern world.

Upcoming Publications Building on the success of my previous works, I am developing new manuscripts that further explore the themes of ethical leadership and the philosophical foundations of contemporary global issues. These forthcoming books aim to challenge the status quo and inspire thoughtful dialogue on critical topics.

Additionally, I continue to write and publish articles that analyze pressing global issues through the lens of moral and political philosophy. I design these pieces to provoke thought and contribute to public discourse, providing data-driven insights and nurturing a more nuanced understanding of complex problems.

I aim to collaborate with scholars, educators, and thought leaders to develop interdisciplinary projects that integrate philosophy with practical applications in education, policy, and social justice. These collaborations will be molded to create tangible impacts and drive positive change in various communities.

Join me on this journey as we explore these projects together, striving to shape the future of thought and contribute to a more ethical and enlightened world.