The Engineering of Consent
June 14, 2024

Edward Bernays | Torches of Freedom ( “The engineering of consent is the very essence of the democratic process, the freedom to persuade and suggest.” – Edward Bernays Imagine if we lived in a world where our thoughts, desires, and actions were subtly influenced by unseen hands of puppeteers, guiding us towards decisions that seemed…

Temples of Consumerism
June 12, 2024

We live in a world where the most revered buildings are not cathedrals or temples but banks and corporate headquarters; the temples of consumerism. The hum of commerce is the chant of worship, and the ceaseless pursuit of wealth has transformed into the highest form of devotion. This is the reality of our modern society,…

June 12, 2024

The Battle for Intellectual Freedom Imagine growing up in a society where every thought, every action, every word is scrutinized through the lens of rigid cultural norms and dogmatic tradition. This is the reality for many in Pakistan, particularly among the rural communities. There, freedom of thought is not just limited; it is systematically oppressed….

Waleed Mahmud - Probing Freewill Book
June 9, 2024

Are we really the authors of our lives? Every morning, we wake up to the sound of our alarm clocks, and with that simple act, a cascade of biochemical events begins. Our heart rate increases and our body floods with cortisol, shifting us from the calm state of sleep to the alertness required for the…

Patriotism is NOT what you think!
June 7, 2024

The Perils of Patriotic Pride Patriotism is often hailed as a noble virtue, a sign of unwavering loyalty and love for one’s country. But beneath the surface of this seemingly positive sentiment lies a darker reality. The patriotic sense of pride, while seemingly harmless, is a recipe for division, hindering progress, and perpetuating harmful ideologies….

Life on repeat
June 5, 2024

Automation: A Life on Repeat Our life on repeat, in an age where technological advancements promise unparalleled convenience and efficiency has become a series of automated cycles. An unrelenting pattern of wake, work, and sleep. This repetitive routine, seemingly a hallmark of modern life, raises critical questions about the nature of our existence, the influence…

June 4, 2024

*Nathaniel Brandon’s Lecture on the philosophy of Objectivism inspires this article Every debate, every dispute, and every conflict will ultimately resolve itself into fundamental questions of ethics, epistemology, and metaphysics. When these deep-rooted issues arise, most people find themselves bewildered and frustrated, often deciding that thinking about or discussing them is pointless. They conclude that…

Mental health - Stress
June 1, 2024

How Stress Shapes Our Life In the quiet moments of my life, when the world slows and reflection takes hold, I often think about the subtle forces that shape our life. Among these, stress stands out as a silent saboteur, influencing our bodies and minds in deep and subtle ways. Understanding stress started off as…