June 12, 2024

The Battle for Intellectual Freedom Imagine growing up in a society where every thought, every action, every word is scrutinized through the lens of rigid cultural norms and dogmatic tradition. This is the reality for many in Pakistan, particularly among the rural communities. There, freedom of thought is not just limited; it is systematically oppressed….

Waleed Mahmud - Probing Freewill Book
June 9, 2024

Are we really the authors of our lives? Every morning, we wake up to the sound of our alarm clocks, and with that simple act, a cascade of biochemical events begins. Our heart rate increases and our body floods with cortisol, shifting us from the calm state of sleep to the alertness required for the…

Waleed Mahmud - Existence
August 18, 2020

 There is an infinite number of unanswered questions out there. One of the most important ones: Our Existence. Almost everyone has an existential crisis at one point in their lives or another. Where we question the very core of our being, the purpose of our existence, and the meaning of our lives. Some people are…