Paradox of Kindness
May 15, 2024

In all of our human interactions, kindness embellishes us like a beacon of hope and connection. It’s a trait lauded by cultures around the world, truly hailed as a universal good. Yet, paradoxically, the very people who embody this cherished virtue sometimes find themselves targets of mistreatment and exploitation. This raises a profound question: Why do…

Waleed Mahmud - The power and Perils of Ideas
April 13, 2024

Carl Jung asserted that “People don’t have ideas; ideas have people” resonates in our current era more than ever, a time characterized by an unprecedented flow of information, a complex network of rapidly evolving social and ideological canvas, and the rising ideological polarity. In this digital age, where knowledge and data are perpetually at our…

Waleed Mahmud - Global Warming
August 9, 2021

Climate Change has become a somewhat controversial topic these days due to opposing opinions that either claim or dismiss human involvement in the overall environmental changes occurring throughout the globe. The reason there’s so much discrepancy in this straightforward issue is mostly because the planets do, in fact, have a climate cycle that resonates between…

Waleed Mahmud -Human Nature and Greed
May 18, 2021

We’ve so often heard and been made to believe that ‘Greed’ in humans is natural that we’ve come to believe it as an unquestionable aspect of our being. We believe it so firmly that if an idea of a living community is proposed, that does not incorporate any monetary incentives or other such rewards for…

Waleed Mahmud - Existence
August 18, 2020

 There is an infinite number of unanswered questions out there. One of the most important ones: Our Existence. Almost everyone has an existential crisis at one point in their lives or another. Where we question the very core of our being, the purpose of our existence, and the meaning of our lives. Some people are…