We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are- Immanuel Kant
May 28, 2024

I often find myself lost in between the circadian rhythm of a dream and reality. As someone accustomed to the rhythmic routine of sleep and dreams, I’ve often questioned the nature of our conscious experiences. I find myself questioning the very essence of reality, often asking myself, “How do I know I’m awake? How do…

Waleed Mahmud - The power and Perils of Ideas
April 13, 2024

Carl Jung asserted that “People don’t have ideas; ideas have people” resonates in our current era more than ever, a time characterized by an unprecedented flow of information, a complex network of rapidly evolving social and ideological canvas, and the rising ideological polarity. In this digital age, where knowledge and data are perpetually at our…

Waleed Mahmud - We are Stars
August 20, 2020

What do stars have to do with anything, you ask? I have often been told to focus on my life and my profession more than anything else. I have been told to stop reading about things that are irrelevant to my life; To focus on getting good grades and a stable job, so that I…

Waleed Mahmud - Existence
August 18, 2020

 There is an infinite number of unanswered questions out there. One of the most important ones: Our Existence. Almost everyone has an existential crisis at one point in their lives or another. Where we question the very core of our being, the purpose of our existence, and the meaning of our lives. Some people are…