June 4, 2024

*Nathaniel Brandon’s Lecture on the philosophy of Objectivism inspires this article Every debate, every dispute, and every conflict will ultimately resolve itself into fundamental questions of ethics, epistemology, and metaphysics. When these deep-rooted issues arise, most people find themselves bewildered and frustrated, often deciding that thinking about or discussing them is pointless. They conclude that…

Mental health - Stress
June 1, 2024

How Stress Shapes Our Life In the quiet moments of my life, when the world slows and reflection takes hold, I often think about the subtle forces that shape our life. Among these, stress stands out as a silent saboteur, influencing our bodies and minds in deep and subtle ways. Understanding stress started off as…

Gratitude: The power of positivity
May 31, 2024

How Gratitude Can Improve Quality of Life In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to focus on what we lack rather than what we have. The constant barrage of advertisements, social media updates, and societal expectations often leaves us feeling inadequate and dissatisfied. However, there is a powerful antidote to this pervasive…

Depression: Mental Health
May 29, 2024

A Descent into Darkness Unlike the more exotic diseases that capture the public’s imagination, Depression is a common, pervasive, and devastating condition that affects millions worldwide. Despite its ubiquity, it remains shrouded in misconceptions and stigma. I know this all too well because I have walked through its dark corridors, grappling with its crippling effects…

We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are- Immanuel Kant
May 28, 2024

I often find myself lost in between the circadian rhythm of a dream and reality. As someone accustomed to the rhythmic routine of sleep and dreams, I’ve often questioned the nature of our conscious experiences. I find myself questioning the very essence of reality, often asking myself, “How do I know I’m awake? How do…

Paradox of Kindness
May 15, 2024

In all of our human interactions, kindness embellishes us like a beacon of hope and connection. It’s a trait lauded by cultures around the world, truly hailed as a universal good. Yet, paradoxically, the very people who embody this cherished virtue sometimes find themselves targets of mistreatment and exploitation. This raises a profound question: Why do…

Waleed Mahmud -Human Nature and Greed
May 18, 2021

We’ve so often heard and been made to believe that ‘Greed’ in humans is natural that we’ve come to believe it as an unquestionable aspect of our being. We believe it so firmly that if an idea of a living community is proposed, that does not incorporate any monetary incentives or other such rewards for…

Waleed Mahmud - Existence
August 18, 2020

 There is an infinite number of unanswered questions out there. One of the most important ones: Our Existence. Almost everyone has an existential crisis at one point in their lives or another. Where we question the very core of our being, the purpose of our existence, and the meaning of our lives. Some people are…