Temples of Consumerism
June 12, 2024

We live in a world where the most revered buildings are not cathedrals or temples but banks and corporate headquarters; the temples of consumerism. The hum of commerce is the chant of worship, and the ceaseless pursuit of wealth has transformed into the highest form of devotion. This is the reality of our modern society,…

Patriotism is NOT what you think!
June 7, 2024

The Perils of Patriotic Pride Patriotism is often hailed as a noble virtue, a sign of unwavering loyalty and love for one’s country. But beneath the surface of this seemingly positive sentiment lies a darker reality. The patriotic sense of pride, while seemingly harmless, is a recipe for division, hindering progress, and perpetuating harmful ideologies….

May 24, 2024

The Ethical Foundation of Justice Some argue that justice is nothing more than a social construct designed to benefit the powerful at the expense of the weak. This perspective overlooks the intrinsic value of justice as an ethical principle that transcends individual interests. Justice, in its true form, is about fairness, equity, and the protection…

Waleed Mahmud - Global Warming
August 9, 2021

Climate Change has become a somewhat controversial topic these days due to opposing opinions that either claim or dismiss human involvement in the overall environmental changes occurring throughout the globe. The reason there’s so much discrepancy in this straightforward issue is mostly because the planets do, in fact, have a climate cycle that resonates between…