The Stars are our Ancestors

What do stars have to do with anything, you ask?

I have often been told to focus on my life and my profession more than anything else. I have been told to stop reading about things that are irrelevant to my life; To focus on getting good grades and a stable job, so that I can get married and have kids. Because that’s the goal, isn’t it? What else is there in life?

Following the same narrative, most of us have been coerced into believing that a single person cannot make a difference in changing the world, how can they? A regular single person doesn’t hold much influence on anyone or anything. Even if you’re willing to make some sacrifices and change for the better, where do you even start? We have to feed ourselves, pay the rent, and take care of our day-to-day necessities. Who has the time to stargaze when you have that assignment to submit in the morning, right?

These are all the excuses and more, that we have given ourselves when we don’t want to do something. Albert Einstien, was one person; Hitler, was one person; Sir Isaac Newton, was one person; and Thich Quang Duc was a single person… Don’t know him? Here. Now I know that Hitler had an army behind him, Newton was born a Genius, and the burning monk was… well, apparently a monk. But remember, all of these things are nothing but excuses because every person through some path or another has to attain a level over which they can assert influence.

If you could see the earth illuminated when you were in a place as dark as night, it would look to you more splendid than the moon.

Let me tell you where to start. Stargaze. Take a moment for yourself, take a deep breath, lay down in nature, a garden, or any place you find peace in, and look at the stars. Little specks of light in the sky, faraway beacons of curiosity. Lay there in silence and comprehend for a moment the truth about the stars. Billions of times larger than the Earth, brighter than the Sun, and farther away than we can comprehend. It is a dangerous and violent universe out there and yet looks so beautiful and peaceful from where you lie on the ground.

A speck of carbon and oxygen lying down on a rocky planet that revolves around an average star, and yet, how in-depth is your imagination to be able to comprehend the secrets of the universe. How insignificant, yet so significant we are. It’s about your highs and the lows, we all have them. Some traits are better than others, but if we all were equal then wouldn’t the words good or bad, genius and mediocre, beautiful and ugly lose all their meaning?

We have to be unequal, to be unique, so that we can each affect the world on our own in a unique way.

I refuse to believe that we are meant to live and die from 9 to 5 in a cubicle. Of course, it would be impractical to completely subside these things and so we have to give these things some part of our lives. But even if we are nothing but biological machines of the universe, do you really think that this power to comprehend the universe should be thrown to waste?  because that is exactly what we’re doing in our day-to-day masquerade.

By refusing to comprehend the universe, something bigger than us, we are no better than those creatures whose sole purpose is to survive. Unfortunately, that’s how most of us have been indoctrinated to spend our lives. A life to merely survive is a life where we waste our true potential.

All the elements in our bodies come from dying stars, that is what we're made of, Stardust, and in a manner of speaking, they are our ancestors.

Keep your eyes on the Stars, your feet firmly on the ground, and comprehend. Comprehend that you are larger than a life of mere survival. You are the universe, experiencing itself and comprehending itself. Remember, that we are Stars; and be the positive change you wish to see in the world.

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